Democrats are refusing to move from their position and Republicans are doing the same, both screaming about stuff and complaining while ignoring the will of the majority of the nation who believe that taxes on the rich should be raised to raise revenues and that spending on military and defense should be cut.
Well what about coming up with some revenue straight from the congressional pockets?
Did you know that rank and file members of congress and senate make $174,000?
431 rank and file congressional members times $174k = $74,994,000....
46 rank and file Senate members time $174k = $8,004,000....
The Leadership of the congress and Senate makes even more - $193,400
2 Majority leaders, one house, one senate times $193,400 = 388,800....
2 Minority Leaders, one house, one senate times $193,400 = 388,800
Finally the Speaker of the House, who at this moment is ignoring the american public's opinion makes an obscene $223,500
1 speaker of the house time $223,500 = $223,500
All this together adds up to an astounding $83,999,100 per year, and this is only for the representatives of the people....
Additionally, based on the average salary of congressional staff based on title for the year 2009 we are spending another $281,989,768.02... So basically, for the governing body of the US, that isn't doing a damn thing except sitting on their collective ass slowly running the country into the ground through inaction we are spending $365,988,868.02 per year in tax payers dollars.
So basically, I want to know, why isn't the tea party bitching about this? over 365,000,000 per year in wasted money? You want to get rid of career politicians, get rid of this pay scale! 174k a year is over 3 times the median income of the average american household, for people who work on average 130 days per year.
This is bullshit.. and thats just how it is.
And this is me, just stating the obvious. Wonder why more people aren't talking about it....