So I started toying with this idea after new years. Thinking that if i started using this blog that I started to talk about things that are on my mind, maybe they wouldn't stay on my mine. I hadn't bothered to actually do anything about it until today. Today, for some reason, I started thinking about it again and decided that I would do something to help get the things in my head out.
This probably won't be the greatest thing you've ever read, and I won't promise to be the least controversial thing you've ever seen before either. There is a reason why i chose the name "Stating the Obvious" so many moons ago. This is going to be a way for me to express the things that are on my mind, good, bad or ugly. If you don't like that, then please don't continue reading. I am going to use this disclaimer at the beginning of every post i make in the coming year to remind people that, while i'm not opposed to hearing your opinion, i'm not going to change things just because they might possibly offend someone. I kinda have the opinion that people need to be offended every once in a while... it keeps them on their toes and helps them see how over sensitive they are in most cases. Also, this is a blog, on the internet, so guess what? there are going to be spelling and grammar error. I am not an english professor, so don't waste time pointing them out. I already know they are there, its just not as important to me to fix them as it is to get things off my chest.
I am going to link this to my Facebook, so that people can read, but please don't start debates on my facebook wall about the contents of this blog. That is NOT why i am doing it.
Finally, I am probably going to have some inane posts that make no sense. I know that and I am okay with it. Knowing that, I welcome everyone to read, and comment and discuss. I might not like what you have to say, but that street will go both ways, I promise. I am making a commitment to myself to post something on this blog at least twice a week, hopefully more.
Cheers to 2013 and the year ahead. May it bring us all much joy and happiness.